Story Journey

Available Story Journeys:

The Man with Empty Hands

Who are you, really?

The more love and self acceptance you give yourself, the more you can open to the precious gifts you carry inside. This Story Journey explores self acceptance in myriad ways, guiding you to a fuller appreciation of who you really are.

In The Belly of The Whale

What does it take to forge a relationship with the beauty within? 

This Story Journey explores devotion, the surest way to bring such a relationship about. 

Dive into the Belly of the Whale and discover how beautiful you are!

The Mystic Rose

“Whenever The Mystic Rose is glimpsed, the return of true love is at hand.”

The Mystic Rose represents our spiritual self, which can be an elusive thing. But one glimpse of this inner beauty can change your life forever. Once glimpsed, what would you do next?

What is a Story Journey & Why should you take one?

Being immersed in a really good story is one of the most potent ways of experiencing a different reality. And if you can imagine a different reality, you can create a new experience for yourself.

When we listen to a protagonist grappling with deep inner challenges, it makes us more creative the next time we face something similar, because now we have a felt-sense of how such dilemmas can be addressed.

Stories have been integral to human evolution, as we have imagined ourselves as ever-more capable of solving life’s challenges. Now, as humanity learns how to master the physical world, we face a lot of unintended consequences.

We are all aware of the ecological challenges we face, but we also face a crisis in our inner world. Our culture has been denuded of the symbols, metaphors and wisdom of the old stories we all used to live by.

Where are the stories that will give us the inner strength and resilience that we now require? Where are the stories that can guide us towards the intuition and creativity we will need to address our problems?

A Story Journey invites you to take a deep dive into a particular facet of your inner life. It asks you to reflect on your own experiences, and then leads you into a cathartic, transformative story in which the protagonist discovers how to live more fully, love more fearlessly, know themselves more deeply. At the end of the story you’ll be encouraged to bring these learnings back yourself again, threading them into your own life experience.

how does it work?

For each story there are key learnings, which you can study in your own time, using PDF notes provided.

At the end of the Story Journey, you will be more in touch with this facet of your inner world, more able to nourish it in your own life, and more able to address the dilemmas that it confronts you with.

Each Story Journey contains:

1. Questions to help you reflect on your own journey.

2. One of Leo Sofer’s audio stories, that you can listen to online, or download.

3. PDF notes, to help you travel deeper into the story’s themes.