Intuitive Storytelling Training
Would you like to tap into an endless source of creativity, playfulness and inner wisdom?
The Intuitive Storytelling home study training will open the doors to a rich inner landscape of stories. It would be ideal for…
- Story-lovers who want to bathe more deeply in story-waters
- Authors and other storytellers who want to approach story-making from a new angle
- Artists who want to surrender more to their creative flow
- Healers and therapists who want to bring storytelling into their work
- and anyone who would like more inner guidance and enchantment in their lives!
Buy the Intuitive Storytelling Home Study Course now, find out more details below.
Intuitive Storytelling Training
- 8 audio lessons
- PDF notes
- Audio instructions for assignments
- Download all course files as a ZIP
What people have to say:
In the past, most of my storytelling would become bogged down in endless planning. Sometimes the muse spoke and the words flowed. Sometimes nothing happened.
Leo Sofer’s intuitive storytelling process introduced me to a new creative process — one that is natural, almost effortless and always fun. I regularly use Leo’s process in my writing now, and two stories in my Wonder Stories collection came directly from this work. I highly recommend studying with Leo.Ryan Johnson, Story teller
Leo is a masterful teacher and storyteller! This course gave me a deeper and stronger connection to my intuition and creativity. I was constantly delighted with the stories that unfolded. It was a joy to rekindle the magic of stories!Deb Dunn, Canada
Is this you?
You are a story-lover who wants to engage more deeply with the magic of Story.
You find that the language of mythology and fairy tales works especially well for you in making sense of your inner world.
You love symbolism and metaphor and often use them as signposts to navigate important turnings in your life. You feel at home in the mythic realm.
Read more here, as well as watch a short video about Intuitive Storytelling for Story-Lovers...
Intuitive storytelling allows you to deepen your relationship with the mythic realm, and to make it personal. You will learn how to bring the deepest questions and inner dilemmas to this place, and to receive personalised, intuitive stories in response.
Your own inner storyteller has always been waiting to bring you stories. After this training you won’t need to look outside for the myths that fit your own inner landscape. You can learn to listen to that inner landscape, and to divine the stories it has always been waiting to tell you.
You are a story native – a storyteller, screenwriter or author.
You’re already engaged in creating narrative, and you’re looking for more ways of playing in story-waters.
Read more here, as well as watch a short video about Intuitive Storytelling for Story-Natives...
Intuitive storytelling opens you up to a primal space inside, a place of creative unknowing. It requires you to be very, very empty; innocent, spacious and allowing. It invites you to be a fool; to step beyond your comfort zone into the unknown. This space is crackling with stories, waiting to be told.
By working with intuition, with the spoken word, and with the language of fairy tales, you might find new ways of accessing a Story than you have tried before. This training provides a safe space in which you can stretch your story-muscles and deepen your relationship with the story-realms.
You are an artist, wanting to open more deeply to the creative energy inside.
You already have a relationship to your creative energy. It’s probably something you’ve been conscious of, and maybe even consciously working with, for a while.
Intuitive storytelling helps you nurture that relationship, to make it stronger and more constructive.
Read more and watch a short video about Intuitive Storytelling for artists...
Your creative energy wants to engage with you in a productive and fruitful relationship. It’s not some random thing that just pops in when you are lucky, or comes in when you are distracted, or happens when you are drunk or on the edge or doing yourself harm.
It can be more conscious than that. Because your inner wisdom wants to express itself through you, all that’s required is that you show up and stop insisting on being in control.
Your creative flow doesn’t require you to be fractured, but rather requires you to be whole, and invites you to a greater and greater wholeness.
This is a different approach to creativity than is taught in many places. If your soul is aching from the way you’ve been taught to be creative, from the way you or others have judged your creative work, then you’ll find a balm here.
This work is very much about healing and nurturing your inner life in a conscious way, such that you can become a channel for a higher wisdom and a creative spirit that you can direct however you like, in whatever art form you are engaged in.
You are a healer or therapist, and sometimes you want a more intuitive way of communicating with your clients.
If you find that your clients can sometimes get stuck at an overly rational level and would like to give them a fresh perspective on their problems, then telling them an intuitive story that’s just for them can help you both drop to a deeper level.
Read more and watch a short video about Intuitive Storytelling for healers and therapists...
The symbols and metaphors of the language of fairy tales, an ancient vocabulary that we have all inherited, provide an ideal way of taking a fresh look at what is in our way, blocking our path.
By learning to tell stories that respond to your clients and the issues they struggle with, you add another dimension to your healing art. In the process you get to discover your own inner storyteller, a source of creative and healing energy that flows through you to your clients.
What this training will give you:
1. Get familiar with the language of fairy tales, so that you can use rich symbolism and metaphors to bring your stories to life
2. Learn to express yourself with emotional honesty, so that both you and your listeners can relax.
3. Develop your inner sensitivity, so that you can hear and see the stories your intuition is bringing you.
4. Work on your relationship to your intuition, so that it can become a collaborative creative partnership.
5. Tell Intuitive Stories in a variety of modes, to really solidify your learning and give you a sustainable practice once the course is over.
How it works:
The course comprises eight audio lessons with PDF notes
The course will build up step by step, with practical assignments for each lesson. You will get clear written instructions with each assignment, as well as some audio demonstrations.
You don’t need to have done any storytelling before, or even have been engaged in stories in any form. You just need to come with an open mind and a readiness to make some creative leaps!
This training is not for everyone…
Click here to see if you would be a fit for this training.
Over many years of teaching people intuitive storytelling I’ve found that there’s a small percentage of people who really struggle to tell their own intuitive stories. And these are people who do not see internal images.
This might be you, and there’s an easy way to check. When you come to the end of this paragraph, close your eyes and picture an apple in your imagination. It can be any apple you like, of any colour, and in any location. Just try it now.
Did you see an apple? Perhaps it was a red one, a green one, or just a pencil sketch of one. It might be an apple sitting in a bowl, on a table, or even still on the tree. Maybe someone was eating this apple, or it was just hovering in the air, rotating slowly!
For most people, when given this task, they’ll see the apple. For some people, there’s nothing. No picture at all. There’s nothing wrong with this, it just means that your imagination doesn’t work through visual images.
If that’s the case, then this training will be hard going for you. My method relies heavily on being able to see inner images: they lead the story. There are other intuitive signs, such as hearing inner dialogues, and just getting a feel for what is happening next, but the images are essential.
So, I wanted to be straight with you about that!
If you are really, really keen to take this training anyway, then I would suggest working on your ability to see inner images. I imagine it can be done, with practice. If you have any further questions about this, do feel free to email me here.
What people have to say:
Leo’s intuitive storytelling training came at a time in my life where I was a bit stuck, and it provided me with a very valuable piece of the jigsaw going forward.
I think my main insight was that intuitive stories offer an incredible potential for healing, both from a personal perspective and for others. It not only kick started my spiritual practice, it has also opened my eyes to the possibility of telling stories as a healing modality.
One of the most important things for me was reconnecting with my intuitive voice, and remembering that this is the way I want to live my life.
Maggie Haworth
Any Questions?
Intuitive Storytelling Training
- 8 audio lessons
- PDF notes
- Audio instructions for assignments
- Download all course files as a ZIP