Weaving Gold from Starlight – Plymouth

Stories of the Journey Home presents
Storytelling for the Spiritual Journey

Saturday 6th July, 7.30 to 9.30pm
Plymouth Unitarian Church
Notte St, Plymouth PL1 2HG

Weaving Gold from Starlight features a farmer who discovers treasure beyond price buried in one of his fields; an old man who finds a chest of gold coins, only to find that his head is on each one; and a wealthy heiress who leaves everything behind to marry for love, only to find a deeper love calling her into the wild and stormy night.

Storytelling has the power to draw us into deep soul-enquiry. Using symbol and metaphor it encourages us to dream big. This story will explore the theme of love.

Who is the lover here?
Whenever we feel empty of love, we are probably asking the wrong question. Love is our essence, and at core we are loved unconditionally. But this truth is usually covered over by all the strategies that we have for “getting love”.

Love is not everything we think it is
Love is not only to be found “out there”. The deepest love is within, and is a wellspring that never ends. Accessing this love, and finding out how to share it with the world is one of the main themes of this story.

Feedback from recent performances
I was blown away by the story, it was magical. I was spellbound, and feel myself in this moment completely transformed by it. The words and music wove in so beautifully together, and I was transported somewhere else…. and it was very healing. I left feeling so inspired and uplifted. The evening reconnected me with that impulse to surrender and let spirit carry me.
Neesa Copple

Leo Sofer has been telling stories since 1989. Sundara plays handpan to accompany the story. They have been setting stories to music together for over 20 years.

You can book below, or call or text Leo on 07508 639216 for any booking enquiries.

Weaving Gold from Starlight




Storytelling and Music with Leo and Sundara Sofer

Saturday, July 6, 2024
7:30 to 9:30pm

Plymouth Unitarian Church
Notte St, Plymouth PL1 2HG