About Leo Sofer
Leo Sofer has been telling stories as his full-time vocation since 1989. He started out telling traditional stories and then, in 1996, lightening struck!
Stories started coming to him in the form of inner images and words that unfolded with a life of their own. These stories carry a redemptive message of love and transformation, and come in response to the deep inner questions that arise on the spiritual path, such as:
- How do I trust my intuition?
- How can I open my heart to love?
- How do I overcome fear?
- How can I live with integrity?
The answers come in a playful and surprising form, weaving stories that are often multi-levelled (eg a story within a story within a story) and that can be understood on many levels, too.
The source of these stories is a deep wisdom that we all have access to: that part of us that has our best interests at heart, that wants us to grow and evolve spiritually, and that regards life’s challenges as a game!
If you’d like to tap into this wisdom yourself, see our Trainings page.
We hope you find here much to inspire and support your journey home: a journey back to love, back to wisdom, back to the eternal source that we all share.