Finding Your Purpose

What are you here to do? Have you done it yet?

This is a story all about purpose, and how vital it is in our lives. It is also about how challenging it can be to discover our purpose: once you have found the thing you are supposed to do, how do you find the courage to actually do it?

The story tells of a weaver who comes upon a tree growing in the forest, from which luminous strands of thread are hanging. Every day he goes out there to find more threads hanging. They glow with a light of their own, seemingly filled with magic.

What to do? At first he keeps them hidden in a drawer, but eventually life draws him into action. This seems bound to get him into trouble, but turns out to get him into something even more impactful: it gets him into his purpose!

Leo has written an article about this story. You can read it here.

Listen to the audio recording of this story here: