How Do We Live Our Highest Purpose?

How do we live our divine purpose? How do we allow an energy and intelligence vaster than ourselves to have full expression in the world?

In this video, I explore quite frankly my own personal journey with these dilemmas. I’ve had years of experience of this: struggling with a divine gift, not letting it flow in the world because of making it too much about “me”.

The story that I then tell delivers a powerful message. To really allow a divine gift to flow in the world, you need to take your hands off it and allow it through without taking any ownership of it.

It tells of a vastly talented peasant boy whose work outshines all others, even those with the best training money can buy. The lord of the manor takes an interest in the boy’s work and, seeking to promote it, comes upon an unusual strategy – to have his son pose as the artist, so as to enable the work to be accepted by high society.

All goes well, but as time goes by the son feels increasingly uneasy with this strategy. And then disaster strikes: the boy dies! What to do now?

If you want to allow your gift to shine in the world without making it a personal thing, then let this story guide you towards the surrender that this journey entails.

Leo has written an article about this story here.

Watch the video here