The Queen’s Awakening

Once upon a time you felt no sense of separation between yourself and all of life.

Once upon a time, everything you saw was part of you.

How did we lose this unity with our world? How do we get it back?

This story charts the journey of a Queen, who begins so far removed from her Kingdom as to make her an exile in her own land. A farmer, whose berries are imbued with magical healing power, brings her back to a union with all life, until she has forgiven everyone she’s ever judged, and found kinship with all of her subjects.

Following her story will help you remember the ties you’ve broken in your own journey of life, and walk towards remaking them. It will remind you of your kinship with the moon, the sun, the stars and the Earth, and to glimpse again the vast Kingdom of beauty and wonder that is our shared inheritance.

Leo has written an article about this story. You can read it here.

Listen to the audio recording of this story here: