Rediscovering Mystery

What happens to the world when we lose our sense of mystery?

Without a sense that we are infinitely precious and ultimately unknowable, we create a lot of stress for ourselves with our certainties and conclusions.

This is a story all about recovering the mystery in the heart of our being. Who are we? Where have we come from? Where are we going? What if all of those questions could be open doors that lead to something vaster than we could ever have imagined?

It tells of a man whose listening has become so acute that he can hear “the soul of humanity”. But all is not well. Everywhere people are forgetting the old ways that would remind them of their own depths. How to restore them?

Let this story guide you back to the sound of your own soul, and the ineffable mystery that resides there.

Leo has written an article about this story. You can read it here.

Listen to the audio recording of this story here: